Vintage Art Pottery Lamps

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Vintage art pottery and lamps have been linked since the oil lamp days…  Some of the most sought-after pieces of early American art pottery were lamp bases that served to hold oil, before electricity had reached most every home in the USA.  

The connection between art pottery and lighting did not end with Thomas Edison and the electric age; rather, it became even more pronounced.  Most of the producers of art pottery in the 20th century tried their hand at lamp making, and the result is a treat for collectors of vintage art pottery today.

One of the most subtle ways that you can slip art pottery into your home is in the form of a lamp (or many lamps).  Everyone needs lighting to see by and to see with, so why not make a visual delight of it with a lamp, simple or elaborate, that dates to the heyday of American art pottery production?  Lamps are often the “sleepers” of the vintage shopping scene, and may be found sitting there unappreciated and underpriced just waiting for your discerning eye, as was the one shown in this post, found at a flea market for a price so low you could not have bought a new lamp at one of the big box stores for the same amount of money.  And what style it delivers!  In this case Prairie Style.

If your taste tends to Art Deco or Atomic Age, Mid-Century Modern or Neoclassical, you will find that all of the vintage pottery makers have been there already and have plenty of options for you to choose. 

So, “Old Lamps for New” everyone!

See a selection of vintage art pottery lamps, here: delovelyness

P.S.  Be sure the cords, sockets and plugs are all up to safety standards when using these marvelous vintage art pottery lamps in your home.



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