The White Art Pottery Craze


The world of decorating has had a long and ongoing romance with matte white art pottery.  Because nearly every maker of American art pottery had its own version of a white matte or semi-matte glaze, the options available to collectors are broad indeed.  One can find monumental floor jars or miniscule cabinet pieces, figurals from swans to frogs, Arts and Crafts to Atomic Era styles, and more, all in pure pristine white or some near variation of it.

The resurgence of the popularity of matte white pottery may be the result of one collector’s passion for it, shared with the world via her vast decorating empire.    Martha Stewart knows her pottery.  Who had not seen photos of groupings of white vessels from her extensive collection.  So thank you, Martha! Martha is fond of green pottery as well–as are we, and as are so many other collectors.  In another post, we will explore the wonders of matte green.

White art pottery works so well because white is a neutral.  One can concentrate on the shape of a vase, the way a handle is angled or curved, the incised or molded relief designs, without the distraction of color.  Like an ideal guest at a dinner party, a matte white bowl or lamp can slip into any setting and seem perfectly at home.

Some collectors look for matte white pottery, only.  Whether in groupings or standing solo, these fine vintage wares bring a sense of tranquility and poise to a room.

For many more examples of matte white vintage art pottery, click here: delovelyness


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